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reliability centered maintenance中文是什么意思

用"reliability centered maintenance"造句"reliability centered maintenance"怎么读"reliability centered maintenance" in a sentence


  • 以可靠度为中心的维修


  • Rcm ( reliability centered maintenance ) concept is applied to equipment preventive maintenance which greatly improves it
  • Rcm ( reliability centered maintenance ) should make maintenance plan based on the result of reliability evaluating and the request of keeping equipment function , which well avoid insufficient maintenance or excess maintenance
  • This dissertation takes aircraft spare part as its object of treatment . basing itself on reliability centered maintenance ( rcm ) and calculational methods theory , it establishes the aircraft spare part demand prognosticating model of each sort
    <中文摘要> =本文将航空公司航空器材作为研究对象,应用以可靠性为中心的维修理论和计算方法等基础理论,建立了各类航材需求预测的基本模型。
  • In this paper , the characteristics of the equipment maintaining and governing in petrochemistry enterprise are introduced systemically . a kind of pattern based on reliability centered maintenance , which accords with the equipment maintaining and governing in the modem petrochemistry enterprise , is put forward
    本文系统地分析了石化企业设备维修与管理的发展特点,提出“以可靠性为中心的维修( rcm : reliabilitycenteredmaintenance ) ”是一种符合现代化炼油企业设备维修管理的模式。
  • According to the theory of reliability and aiming at the situation of our country , which applies some theories such as the reliability theory , computer technology , information management , status monitor and fault diagnosis , this paper studies a pertinence maintain strategy based on rcm ( reliability centered maintenance ) . in the actual application we have established the basis and the important point of the theory of the rcm and have decided the steps to actualize it
    本论文依据可靠性维修理论,针对现行维修体制中存在的问题,综合应用可靠性理论、计算机技术、信息管理、状态监测、故障诊断等技术,研究了“以可靠性为中心的针对性维修策略” 。在理论上建立了适合我国工程现场的基于可靠性理论的针对性维修策略,并初步确立了其理论依据、理论要点、具体实施的方法步骤。
  • After systematical analysis of the maintenance - repair status of construction machinery in our country , this paper summarizes the problems of maintenance - repair , and discusses the countermeasures against them , basing on the research condition of maintenance and repair both at home and abroad . in the meantime , this paper presents some prepositional countermeasures to both construction machinery maintenance - repair enterprises and construction enterprises , and introduces the maintenance - repair managing engineering and the mode of reliability centered maintenance into the construction machinery maintenance - repair , and ulteriorly presents the new concepts about the service of reliability centered maintenance
  • To seek the way which promoting construction machinery reliability centered maintenance service level , this paper discusses the factors of affecting the level , and undertakes to evaluate the level by applying fuzzy mathematics theories . meanwhile , a evaluation software was programmed to accomplish the evaluation
用"reliability centered maintenance"造句  


Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a process to ensure that assets continue to do what their users require in their present operating context.is generally used to achieve improvements in fields such as the establishment of safe minimum levels of maintenance, changes to operating procedures and strategies and the establishment of capital maintenance regimes and plans.
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